The first show I went to this month was the Natural & Organic Products Show at Olympia’s grand hall. I went along in my capacity as PR for my client Manfred Techentin of Energise Your Life, who had bravely booked a stand. We spent hours on set-up day lugging, lifting and arranging (well, he did most of the lugging and lifting, if I’m brutally honest, but I feel I surpassed myself in the arranging department!) and two days spending hours developing varicose veins from standing all day long (sitting down on a show stand is really not a great plan unless your product needs to be demoed from the comfort of a chair and table), drinking rather nice tea blends from the fabulous Dragonfly Café and chatting to the most amazing array of people from health food store owners to raw food enthusiasts and sprouting junkies!!
samples from one of the neighbouring stands?)
We even had a visit from the famous Sproutman himself, whose books were on display on our shelves, and despite the rather dodgy barcode reading gadget Manfred had forked out an arm and a leg for, managed to generate a host of leads for further contact and hopefully business.
Something which hit home to me as I spent time with the visitors – all wonderful, happy, vibrant people with such excitement and enthusiasm for the show, which was a joy considering it was a trade show and in the “real world” would have had a very business-like atmosphere – was the number of medical practitioners keen to learn more about juicing for their patients… and I don’t mean just naturopaths and homeopaths, but NHS nurses and doctors, who had come to the show to find nature’s answer to alleviating problems they were involved with such as allergies and even cancer. In fact, several people we spoke to discussed how they used juicing and sprouting to help protect or cure their own or loved ones’ cancers. At one point I had to fight back tears as one gentleman specifically came to our stand to enquire about the best machine to make vibrant juices for his very sick wife who was at home in bed ill with cancer - eye opening really, considering that I hadn't really fully appreciated that as well as using the show to gain new clients, the products actually do really help people.
Of course, I always try and eat, sleep, breathe and live my clients’ products as much as possible, so I even lost my wheatgrass juice cherry that weekend – in fact much to the amazement of virtually everyone I loved the taste and couldn’t wait for more! This incredible stuff contains virtually every enzyme, element and vitamin in existence (apparently) and a couple of shots a day should see me well into old age, if any of the super healthy looking juicing pros I spoke to are anything to go by!

Champagne? nah - pass me the wheatgrass dahhling!
The show itself was amazing and Ethical PR Girl’s dream world… every single exhibitor with delicious tasting, smelling or feeling products which are all completely natural, organic, pure or in some way beneficial to the environment. Instead of an atmosphere filled with pungent artificial fragrances, we were treated to constant wafts of essential oils, organic spices and herbs as all the exhibitors demonstrated their amazing ranges of food, clothing and beauty products, not to mention some of the tasting experiences (my route to the cloakroom somehow always seemed to coincide with pinching segments of truffles from the Booja Booja stand!)
The best show I’ve ever been to took place just last week – UK Aware at Olympia 2… what an atmosphere! I can honestly say that I’ve never felt such an intensely positive vibration at any exhibition I’ve attended, instead of desperately sloping off the minute the doors closed, virtually everyone straggled even at the exhibitor party, where the organic wine and wonderful people carried the buoyant mood well into the evening. I particularly liked the fact the seminars were held in the open centre of the show hall where passers by could stop and listen in for as long as they liked as well as stay the distance. And top marks to the wonderful Nicola from Daisy Green who together with ethical stylist Lupe Castro, tirelessly swished their way through the event with the help of their gorgeous models, swapping clothes and accessories at a rate of knots and recycling the leftover items as well.
I must confess to buying some great items too from Onya bags and sandwich packers to some lovely underwear from Pants to Poverty, and found it a great opportunity to catch up with new clients Natural Empathy, whose new range of luxurious organic skincare products had plenty of people ooohing and aahing on their stand as well as in the relaxing area where MD Beverley kindly furnished pooped punters with a generous squirt of handcream as they chatted over tea and coffee. (In fact the Swish models actually came to the stand to get some face cleanser to remove their makeup before whizzing off to their "day" jobs")

Swish Pic courtesy of Nico Dattani
My personal highlight was the ten minute head, back and shoulder massage though… although nearly falling asleep in the middle of a crowded, noisy room probably wouldn’t be classed as one of my most professional moments!
The main impression I came away with from UK Aware was immense optimism and hope at how many businesses are out there fearlessly braving the current financial stormy weather, protesting about the government, capitalism, climate change and the rest of the turgid messiness we’re all in at the moment, but in such innovative, positive and change-making ways… they are all surely being that much needed change in the world that Gandhi spoke of.
Hi Lisa - I can't believe it's taken me this long to discover your blog. UKAware was great wasn't it. I managed to get down on Saturday, so unfortunately we missed each other, but finally as least I managed to bump into David N. Anyway, shall we do that coffee soon :-)
Thanks Karen! I've just added your blog to my list to follow...yes coffee would be fantastic.. will be in touch ! x
UK aware I thought was superb, had a very different feel from most shows, loads of energy, not just the corporate stands staffed by suits. Well done Danny and Josh.
Met loeads of ineteresting people as well.
Well worth a trip back to London.
The MoreEco managed to make a visit so we could absorb what was happening. We also managed to take some pics with the iPhone (apologies for the quality - just wish it had a better camera)
We met load of really cool people and new companies. To mention a few they were;
Following the link for the pictures.
i was an exhibitor last yr and just a member of public this time and the difference in the two shows was immense, unfortunatley we didnt exhibit this year which was a mistake!! there was loads more people this yr!!
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